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+252 615568420 | +254718792083 iimaan.org@gmail.com

our Organization

Network / Membership

IRDO is a member of UN Cluster Agencies in Somalia including, WASH, Nutrition, Food Security & Livelihood, Protection, CCCM & Shelter Cluster

Monitoring / Evaluation

Technical expertise available and monitoring/evaluation system for the projects implementation. IRDO projects M&E are performed by qualified personnel and the following approaches are involved:

  • Project staff monitors on-going project activities on daily basis. Led by the project coordinator and the monitoring and evaluation officer, the team is tasked to ensure whether the project progress is leading to the desired output, as well as to ensure that the local communities are consulted and involved.
  • Program Coordinator, accompanied by representatives from the target community normally carries out mid-term project visit to the project sites to monitor and evaluate the out-put and the performance indicators (deliverables).
  • Considering the M&E schedule for the funding agency (monitors the project on Weekly/Monthly/mid w project/End-project) basis or as per their plan. They will evaluate project progress, resource utilization, sustainability and level of community involvement and contribution.


Humanitarian code of conduct in relation to its staff 

IRDO strictly follows the humanitarian code of conduct, in relation to its staff. It is committed to deliver quality services in humanitarian aid. It adheres to and promotes the International Humanitarian Charter, the Code of Conduct for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Disaster Relief prepared jointly by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Accountability and transparency, both towards donors and target groups, are priorities in IRDO’s operation.

IRDO’s Board


Management team