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+252 615568420 | +254718792083 iimaan.org@gmail.com

Our projects

IRDO’s Track Record of Capacity and Experience

IRDO has a record in implementing successful projects in various fields with different partners. Among this, include FAO Somalia on the rehabilitation and construction shallow wells and berkads in Middle and Lower Shabelle regions, USAID in shunning extremism among the urban youth carried out in Kamukunji Constituency covering Eastleigh, Bahati, Mathare and Majengo within Nairobi Kenya in 2013 and with Pact International on Bridging the Gap between the district peace committee (DPCs) and council of elders (COEs) in Badade District in Kolbio and some other parts of Badade district. Wet feeding project in Kismayo funded by WFP, WASH project with CHF-OCHA and a Vocational Training project funded by ICRC, to mention but a few.

Rehabilitation of water catchments

Activities: Cash for work & Nutrition Champions training for 12 months in Abudwaaq

Integrating CCCM response

Integrating CCCM response by strengthening safe access to multi sectorial services including emergency responses at site level in Dhobley and Afmadow IDP Camps.

Protection Project

Strengthening emergency GBV services for the most vulnerable internally displaced populations through gender-based violence response in Daynile and Kahda districts in Banadir region.

Camp Management and Camp Coordination

Camp Management and Camp Coordination (CCCM) Project is 20 IDP Camps – AFGOYE District (12 months).

Community Mobilization & Sensitization

Community Mobilization & Sensitization on FGM at Gudinlabe –ADADO District.

Rehabilitation of water catchments

Activities: Cash for work & Nutrition Champions training for 12 months in Wanla Weyn.

Entrepreneurship Skills and Livelihood Training for Youth at Risk

Basic training on business and entrepreneurial skills

Basic training on business and entrepreneurial skills, awareness creation on nutrition and child feeding and environmental conservation.
Kismayo town in Lower Juba Somalia.

Technical Vocational Training

Developed technical employable skills of youth (F/M) for possible adoption in the job market. Improved numeracy and literacy levels. Connected the trainees with available opportunities for internship and employment.

Civic engagement in Kismayo among the youth

Promoting Inter-religious dialogue and tolerance

Promoting Inter-religious dialogue and tolerance through training and Photo Exhibition against extremism in Mathare, California, Majengo, Bahati and Eastleigh Nairobi Kenya.

Bridging the Gap between the district peace committees and council of elders

Bridging the Gap between the district peace committees and council of elders in Kolbio and Hosingo Badade District. .

WASH Emergency Response to population at risk of AWD/cholera

WASH Emergency Response to population at risk of AWD/cholera targeting 1,479 households in Hosingo, Badade District – Lower Juba.

Wet feeding

Wet feeding for population in Crisis- Kismayo, Lower Juba.

Enterprise Based Vocational Training

Enterprise Based Vocational Training for Youth in Bula Hubey District- Mogadishu.